What should students expect in your classes?

Expect to slow down, breathe and feel. We practice functional movement sequences to work on our mobility and strength. By slowing these sequences down, we can become aware of where our body is in space and how it feels doing each pose. Expect to feel a little more connected to your body after this class.

When you're not practicing yoga, what do you like to do?

weight lift, paddle board, garden, read

“I want my student to feel connected to themselves during this practice. Connecting to a place within themselves of playfulness, confidence, healing, acceptance and peace.”

What do you love yoga?

It makes me feel more connected with who I was intended to be.

What challenges you in yoga?

Learning to slow down!

What are the MOST important things you want your students to walk out of your class having experienced?

I want my student to feel connected to themselves during this practice. Connecting to a place within themselves of playfulness, confidence, healing, acceptance and peace. Eventually, taking all of those experiences off the mat with them into their lives.

What/who inspires you?

Being in nature inspires me. Especially when there is no cellphone service! Seeing the natural colors and occurrences of the world reminds me of how amazing this Earth is. How amazing our home is. And we've truly been gifted with life to experience all there is.